Next conference Chemical Reactions in Foods IX will be organised in 2020, in Prague, Czech Republic.
Chemical Reactions in Foods VIII
Dear colleagues,
It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in the 8th international conference CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN FOODS VIII (CRF 2017), to be held in Prague, 15 - 17 February, 2017.
This event continues the successful series of meetings held in Prague in 1992–2012, under the auspices of Food Chemistry Division, EuCheMS. The key theme of CRF in 2017 is a new knowledge on chemical reactions during food processing and storage.
Challenges to be addressed by CRF 2017 are:
- CHEMICAL REACTIONS IN PROCESSED / STORED FOODS New knowledge on reaction pathways and interactions of food components under various processing/storage conditions, advanced analytical strategies for in-depth studies of food constituents changes, predictive modelling
- RECENT STRATEGIES FOR HIGH FOOD QUALITY, INCREASED SHELF LIFE AND SAFETY Current trends in food production, processing, packaging and distribution, the impact of novel technologies on reactions resulting in a better nutritional value, improved sensory quality and safety, new analytical techniques characterize these parameters
- CHEMICAL REACTIONS INVOLVING FOOD IMPROVEMENT AGENTS (ADDITIVES, ENZYMES, FLAVORINGS), MITIGATION FOOD CONTAMINANTS AND RESIDUES Reactions and interactions of ´natural food additives, flavorings, colors and other ingredients in food matrices; challenges to prevent process-induced contaminants, mechanism behind mitigation of contaminants/residues across food production chain
- BIOLOGICALLY-ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS IN FOOD CROPS AND PRODUCTS THEREOF Bioactivity screening strategies, application of ´omics, factors affecting their origination/losses of ´health promoting´ compounds, stability evaluation, changes during post-harvest handling
- CHEMISTRY BEHIND NOVEL FOODS, BOTANICALS AND DERIVED PREPARATIONS, FOOD SUPPLEMENTS Bioprospecting strategies, composition and safety characterization, authentication / fraud detection, traceability of origin, shelf-life testing
All sources of food (also considering novel foods, botanicals and ingredients for food supplements) as well as new processing technologies (e.g. ohmic thermal process, ultrasounds and microwaves, cold plasma) will be considered in the Program of CRF 2017.
Food Chemistry Division, as well as the Organizers (University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic and Università del Piemonte Orientale “A. Avogadro”, Italy) considers strategic the studies focused on the elucidation of the chemical mechanisms in foods, which constantly lead to new knowledge in different areas of food science: quality, safety, flavours, rheological properties and others.
We hope the Conference will be an excellent opportunity to demonstrate the importance of such knowledge in our papers, discussions and personal communications. The Programme will be tailored to provide a lot of opportunities for you to network as well as explore the latest results of the food chemistry community. Mechanistic researches, applied researchers, but also predictive science, reactions elucidation and studies on model foods are particularly welcomed.
Prague has a long tradition to gather philosophers, (al)chemists, astronomers, and other knowledgeable people from around the Old World. There are a lot of things going on in the city all the time, and you may become part of it. We are looking forward to your contributions on the subject we have chosen (particularly young food chemists). We would like to encourage you to register as a speaker or poster presenter as well as to join us just for interesting discussion. We believe that you will greatly benefit from the scientific programme, exchange information and ideas with old friends/new acquaintances, and enjoy your stay in Prague.
As long as you are willing to join us, please mark the Chemical Reactions in Foods VIII in your calendar. We look forward to seeing you in Prague in February 2017.
On behalf of the organizers

Exhibitors & Sponsors & Media partners & Supporters

Last CRF in 2012
CRF 2017 associated events
SAVE THE DATE for RAFA 2017, 7-10 November 2017
Recent Advances in Food Analysis (RAFA 2015)