CALL for oral and poster presentations is CLOSED.
After successful submission of your abstract you will receive an automatic confirmation of receipt of submitted abstract via e-mail. If it will not be delivered within a few minutes after submission of your abstract please check at first your spam box-mail and then contact us at CRF2017@vscht.cz.
Please ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors. Even though modifications on your submitted abstract will be allowed upon request sent to CRF2017@vscht.cz until the deadline for the abstract submission, please be confident on the lack of errors in your final version prior to starting the submission process.
The abstract will be reproduced exactly as submitted. No proofreading will be done, although some corrections may be requested by the reviewers.
If you need to withdraw your abstract, a written statement reflecting the reasons for this decision must be sent to CRF2017@vscht.cz no later than 16 January, 2017.
1 registered participant can submit no more than 2 abstracts.
The text of the abstract should be limited to 3000 characters including spaces. Tables and pictures are
not allowed.
Corresponding authors will be informed on acceptance of their abstracts by Scientific Committee either
for poster or oral presentation via e–mail by January 5, 2017.
Abstracts of oral presentations and posters will be included in the “Book of Abstracts” only after receipt of the conference registration fee. Any payment of the registration fee has to be received until January 16, 2017, otherwise contribution(s) will not be included into the Book of Abstract and conference programme.
Poster award
The best poster will be awarded by CRF 2017 Poster award.
Poster presentation instructions
Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display results of their scientific work. The poster presentation is an effective way to communicate your research to colleagues.
Guidelines for poster presentation
Oral presentation instructions
Oral presentations will require a Microsoft Office PowerPoint format and should be submitted at the conference on a USB memory stick.
Guidelines for oral presentation
The official language of the conference will be English, no simultaneous translation will be provided.
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