PROGRAM / Interactive course
Wednesday, February 15, 2017, 9:00-11:00
This educative course is intended for young scientists but all other CRF attendees are also welcome! The
moderators will introduce several case studies with various conceivable scenarios for the reactions of
food constituents taking place in processing and storage, and their effect on the quality and safety of
products. Each time, the attendees will identify the most suitable solution using an anonymous electronic
voting system, followed by an interactive discussion about each presented option. We encourage you to
attend this informal and interactive course, join the discussion, outline your vision, learn something new
and have some fun!
All attendees on the board through your voting device!
Dr. Tomas Davidek, Nestlé Product Technology Centre Orbe, Nestec Ltd., Orbe, Switzerland
- - Food Chemist
- - Graduate of Prague Institute of Chemical Technology, Department of Food Chemistry and Analysis
- - Working for Nestle since 1990 mainly at R&D in different countries including France, Czech Republic and Switzerland
- - Currently working at Nestle Product Technology Centre Orbe in Switzerland which is part of Nestlé R&D network
- - Specialised in the Maillard Reaction, namely in flavour generation and characterization
- - Main focus areas include understanding the impact of recipe & process parameters on the flavour generation upon thermal food processing (e.g. extrusion, roller drying and roasting); elucidation of the reaction pathways and characterisation of the molecular fingerprint of generated flavours
Assoc. Prof. Milena Stranska, University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic
Milena Stranska is Assoc Prof at the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague, Czech Republic.
She is an expert in the field of mycotoxins analysis, metabolomic studies of food and also human
samples and bioprospection of biologically active compounds. Her main scientific focus is:
(i) Target/non-target analysis of food contaminants and health beneficial biologically active
compounds: Development, optimization, and validation of analytical methods based on ultra-performance
liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for analysis of contaminants and health beneficial
compounds in foods.
(ii) Metabolomic fingerprinting / profiling: Exploiting of high-resolution mass spectrometry for
performing of studies focused on food authenticity and food frauds revealing.
(iii) Bioprospecting: Research focused on characterization of new natural resources suitable for
isolation of biologically active compounds exploitable in food / pharmaceutical research / industry;
implementation of methods for biological activity testing (antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory, etc.);
utilization of high resolution mass spectrometry for non-target screening of unknown compounds
responsible for the biological activity, compounds identification and characterization.
REGISTER for the CRF 2017 interactive course
(Only for registered participants of the CRF 2017 conference, free of charge)